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PEG Virus Precipitation Solution

PEG Virus Precipitation Solution is specially designed and optimized solution for precipitating viruses , eVLP or EVs. It provides an easy, convenient and time-saving method to concentrate Viruses, eVLPs or EVs without ultra-centrifugation. . Easy to use and cost-effective method for highly efficient viral concentration . Non-toxic reagents safe for use with all target cell lines . No accumulation of cellular debris like with ultracentrifugation . Sterile and ready for use in cell culture . Ideally suited for concentrating virus from large volumes . Freeze pseudoviral particles without titer loss.

Cat. No.
Universal PEG Virus Precipitation Solution is specially designed and optimized for enveloped viruses or particles. It provides an easy, convenient and time-saving method to concentrate viruses without ultra-centrifugation.
250 mL
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